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Our Programs

Environmental art program

Our environmental art classes are conducted in cooperation with local schools and wildlife conservation organizations. Students learn watercolor painting to create scientifically accurate depictions of the wildlife that lives in their communities and ecosystems. Each lesson includes both art and environmental science components. Participating schools receive classes, art supplies and reference materials. Starting in 2016, the program includes a full-color ”field guide” book project that is illustrated and written by the students and published by Art in a Box’s publishing imprint, Heron-on-Hudson Press. The program promotes creativity, conservation awareness and bilingual literacy.

Art and design program
for girls at risk

Inspired by world textile traditions and the universal appeal of fashion, the art and design program for girls at risk promotes opportunities for girls at risk or in need, including trafficked girls and survivors of gender-based violence, to build confidence and develop their skills.

Art for children
at risk or in need

Art in a Box provides art classes, art supplies and books to enrich the lives of children at risk. We have helped to establish on-site Art and Literacy Centers at orphanages and shelters. From rural villages and the first school for deaf children in Cambodia, to children living at a garbage dump in Guatemala, to homeless shelters in the Bronx, our art classes help children who live with uncertainty to discover the empowerment of their own self-expression.

Art for children
affected by AIDS

Children affected by AIDS learn about art and self expression in classes conducted on-site in the slum communities and rural areas of Cambodia where they live. The primary income earners for families ravaged by AIDS, the children work shinning shoes, scavenging garbage or selling newspapers and often cannot go to school. The program includes teacher training, home visits to families.

Art education
for young artists

Our master classes provide students and young artists with new art skills and technologies. Conducted at universities, colleges and art schools, the classes encourage each student to develop his or her unique talents.

Emergency response
art kits

Art in a Box provides boxes of art supplies to children living in areas affected by natural disasters, public health emergencies or the aftermath of war. Each box includes all the necessary art supplies to conduct art classes for thirty-six students and can yield up to 150 paintings. The kit includes art supplies, curricula, reference packages and postcards of paintings by US children to show support and friendship. Kits have been provided to children in Haiti following the 2012 earthquake and to children in Japan following the 2013 tsunami and Fukishima Nuclear Power Plant disaster.

Following the Fukishima Nuclear Power Plant meltdown, Art in a Box sent art supplies to help children after the disaster.

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